Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Obligatory End of the Year Wrap Up in List Form

In which I sort the events of the year into two big categories and don't elaborate.

  1. Obama's election
  2. Solo Road Trips
  3. Running
  4. Facebook and finding/visiting old friends
  5. Super Target in TOWN!
  6. Hardwood flooring!
  7. Wii
  8. Lensbaby Photography
  9. Radiolab
  10. Nostalgia
  11. LOST
  12. Turning 30
  13. Finishing first 1/2 marathon strong
  14. Satellite radio
  15. Chuck Klosterman's non-fiction
  16. Clarity and confidence
  17. My son's phonemic awareness
  18. The Olympics
  19. Mixtape CD's received as gifts! I love mixtapes.

  1. Grey hair
  2. High gas prices
  3. Recession and friends losing jobs
  4. Running Injuries
  5. Money dropped on running shoes
  6. Heavily processed "food"
  7. Chuck Klosterman's fiction
  8. No girls weekend this year!
  9. No travel to other countries this year!
  10. Having to deal with people who hate on the running and healthy eating
  11. General adult stresses
  12. Can't recall one AMAZING movie from the year other than old Hitchcock that I rented